English version

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Hello, my intention is how I can contribute or help, or give some ideas or strategies, in order to straighten out the society where we live.
I am a musician and I have also written two books, the first one is in Catalan and the second one is in Spanish, it is about the same topic, and this is a very deep analysis that I do of the society in which we live, and this is the reason, why I contacted you and for this reason I am going to give you a summary, which I give you below
1) A reality is that 99% of the wealth that exists in the world is in the hands of only 1%.
2) There are 25 million people who die of hunger every year, and 25% are children.
3) Furthermore, there are 850 million people in the world who go to bed hungry.
4) In 2017 we have a military expenditure of €1,730,000,000,000. How can we allow this huge aberration?
5) We have had and have wars, where people kill each other, suffer misery, hunger and suffering, for the benefit of arms suppliers.
6) The relationship we have between Catalonia and Spain is deplorable, Catalan culture is in extinction.
These six realities are what made me write my book, if you agree, and want to contribute to making a better world, you could join, with this task, and together we can make a better World, Let’s save the world!!! Let’s save ourselves
Well, my book is on sale, and you might be interested in it, it is a book that talks about many topics, and I am forced to describe all the topics that I analyze, so that you have an idea of the disparity of themes, ranging from simplicity, to a very deep analysis, this is what this book is like, the book has four parts
The first part of the book, I call it
«Analysis for a better world»
And in this analysis I see that the society where we live is going towards chaos and the destruction of the planet, it is ruining us, both economically, physically, morally and annihilating us, both as human beings, as well as the climate, or the planet where we live, here These are the topics I analyze.
Who are we?
1 A link in the Universe
2 History of humanity
3 Definition of Environment
4 Parallelism of The 10 Commandments
5 Definition of Standard
6 Definition of Abuse
7 Abolition of Abuse
8 Is democracy at the limit of its survival?
9 Goodness and Evil
10 Constitution of a platform or World Organization
11 Urgent Priority Strategies
12 Forms of Government
13 Creation of Cultures or Regions and political change by Professional
14 Energy Change Strategies
15 Desert Strategy
16 Biological Pleasure
17 Social Pleasure, influence
18 Pleasure Reset, and start over
19 Family Groups
20 Environmental Strategies
21 Conclusion
The second part of the book consists of
“Reasoning, Reflections and Ethical Analysis”
Here you will see a variety of topics that I am sure will be interesting to you, such as The Problem of Eternity or What is the Universe?, which was a martyrdom for me, when I was very young, and it didn’t even let me sleep. Fortunately, I found a solution, which I describe in the book, and here you have the issues that I reflect on and analyze.
1 Values and Behavioral Controls
2 Racism, Discrimination, Equality and Feminism
3 Numeral or Mathematical Language
4 Chance – Luck
5 Trans Mental Consciousness
6 Opinions
7 Is Respect Disrespectful?
8 The problem of eternity
9 What is the Universe?
The Third Part of the book consists of
“Political Relationship between Catalonia and Spain”
Well, here perhaps the most interesting part for us who live in this country, which is the political relationship, here I give my version of the Catalan-Espanyol political problem, I do a little history from the year 878 to our times and I make reasonings, reflections and analysis, in order to solve the serious situation that Catalan culture currently finds itself in with the risk of its extinction, and the topics are the following.
1 Thank you, friends, for making the independence movement grow
2 Dependence or Independence, this is the question
3 The Deadly Sins of Catalonia
4 Political Prisoners and Exiles
5 Catalan-Spanish Political Strategy
6 Possible Strategies
7 Events in Catalonia
8 History of Catalonia
The fourth part of the book consists of
«Enric’s music»
It is a bit original, because a book is not a way to listen to music, but I had the idea of putting a QR code, to be able to listen to music if you have a mobile phone and the book.
This music is my compositions, also through my life, the first one I composed, Freedom, was in 1976, when I lived in Denmark, as you can see I was already a sovereignist, I have composed 7 songs, five are for my beloved Catalonia, and two are composed of the philosophy of my whole life, which is «Love your neighbor as yourself», and this also entails a change in behavior, these songs are «Estimem se» and » Let’s wake up, brothers.»
Below you can see the songs I composed
1 Freedom Freedom Freedom
2 Sweet Catalonia
3 Tossa Bella
4 Catalan countries
5 My Country
6 We love each other
7 Let’s wake up brothers
With this link you can go to Enric’s Nest https://enricgine.cat/en/
And if you have a comment, write to enric@enricgine.cat or enric@enricgine.com
You can click the link below and you can listen, if you want, to all my songs
In this link below you can buy my book on Amazon